Here is the 200W MOSFET amplifier powered based on four piece of IRFP250N, they are very cheap and easy to find in the electronic market […]

This is a very interesting circuit design to assemble. There are 4in1 amplifier module in a circuit board. 100W power amplifier using the TDA7294, for […]

This is 120W power amplifier schematic using TO-3 package complementary transistors, NPN and PNP polarity. The well-known power transistor pair of 2N3055 and MJ2955 used […]

This is a 200W power amplifier circuit project. The circuit features high power, good definition and very low noise. It delivers about 200 watts in […]

This is the schematic diagram of 400W RMS stereo power amplifier which use power transistor to work. This amplifier in addition to providing good sound […]

This is 500W RMS power amplifier circuit design, build based on MOSFET. The circuit is very popular in EE audio hobbyist as “LEGEND stage Master […]

This is the circuit diagram of 2000W class AB power amplifier uses 7 pairs MJ15003 and MJ15004 transistors for the final amplification block. The circuit […]