This is simple portable audio amplifier circuit. This circuit built based on IC TEA2025 which is a monolithic integrated audio amplifier in a 16-pin plastic […]

Here is the 100W RMS audio amplifier schematic diagram: This circuit is quite simple but will give you high quality audio output. Take a note […]

This is the circuit diagram of 2 Watt mini audio amplifier. This circuit is inexpensive, easy and quite simple. This is general audio amplifier which […]

This 200 Watt high quality power audio amplifier will give you top class quality for loudspeaker 4 – 8 ohm. Frequency range 20-20000Hz, Voltage 24-36V […]

Here the schematic diagram of 800 watt audio power amplifier with MOSFET for final amplification. This amplifier can be used for practically any application that […]

This is high fidelity, high quality 25W HiFi audio amplifier circuit delivers great audio performance. You don’t need pre amplifier circuit for this design since […]

This is 20 watt audio amplifier circuit design which use IC LM1875 as main component. This circuit is simple and very easy to built. For […]