This long-range FM radio transmitter has an additional RF power amplifier stage, after the oscillator stage. The extra RF power amplifier used to strenght up […]

Simple and easy build of sensitive FM transmitter circuit. The circuit only requires 2 transistors to work. *L1 = 0.1 Uh, 6 to 8 turns […]

Here the simple and low cost FM transmitter circuit. The frequency range of this FM transmitter should be about 89MHz ? 109MHz. Output power is […]

This is a mini fm transmitter circuit. I think this is the simplest one. Simple, easy and of course… inexpensive… The supply voltage is between […]

Here the simple and low cost FM transmitter which powered using two transistors. This circuit may be tuned to operate over the range 87-108MHz with […]

This is a simple, well designed 1.5 Watt FM Transmitter circuit using power transistor 2N2219A. This circuit should be able to cover 1-2 KM range. […]