…An example is information logging, exactly where the micro is active for short periods of time, then goes into “sleep” mode. 5V Regulated Solar Cell Power Supply circuit source: talkingelectronics.com

…volt Zeners stabalize supply voltages and limit signals, while the 36 volt Zeners limit spikes from the transformer. 1000W Power Inverter PCB Layout Design: 1000W Power Inverter circuit source: chemelec.com

…set the automatic gain control of IC1. The 484 requires a low voltage power supply (1.1 -1.8V). The voltage drop across diodes D1, D2, and resistor R4 is the correct…

…Schottky diode Q1 : 2N4403 , or equivalent Q2 : 2N4401 , or equivalent B1 : Ni-Cad battery, 6V with fuse Solar powered mobile phone battery charger circuit source: PowerSupply88.com

…A choke coil in its place would give much better performance and extra closely resemble the electromagnet field within the prototype. Stereo tube amplifier 4 Watts, design diagram source: wkinsler.com

…output, then of course it will need power supply with high power output. This amplifier require dual output power supply 130V. Detailed explanation about this 1500W power amplifier, visit: sound.westhost.com

…to see that they are not even looking at the road but instead smiling and staring at the small screen of a cell phone. Their car comes closer and closer…

…at max. Substituting the two silicon diodes with germanium types (e.g. AA118, AA119), the minimum input threshold can be lowered. This sine wave to square wave converter come from redcircuits.com

…happens to contain the right combination of comparators and logic circuits to do what you need. Step 1 is to translate the loop resistance into a voltage; that”s done by…

…high-powered surround sound amplifier etc. For detail explanation about how this circuit works include the large schematic diagram, power supply schematic diagram and complete component listing, download this complete article…