Electronic Schematic Diagram

This is a simple, well designed 1.5 Watt FM Transmitter circuit using power transistor 2N2219A. This circuit should be able to cover 1-2 KM range. […]

This is electronic bird chirp sound generator circuit which used to produce a sound like bird’s chirp. The transformer is a small audio transformer, type […]

This is Electronic Siren circuit diagram which use standard discrete components. The sound produced imitates the rise and fall of an American police siren. When […]

This is simple portable audio amplifier circuit. This circuit built based on IC TEA2025 which is a monolithic integrated audio amplifier in a 16-pin plastic […]

Here is the simple and low cost NiCd and NiMH battery charger circuit which can be used for various battery type and size. This battery […]

Here is the 100W RMS audio amplifier schematic diagram: This circuit is quite simple but will give you high quality audio output. Take a note […]

This is the circuit diagram of 2 Watt mini audio amplifier. This circuit is inexpensive, easy and quite simple. This is general audio amplifier which […]

This is the LED flashing circuit, since the shape used in this circuit was hearth shape, then we call it LED flashing heart circuit. The […]