Electronic Schematic Diagram

This is the circuit diagram of 1W audio amplifier which use TDA7052 as the main component and other 5 pieces of components to support the […]

Flame, gas and smoke detector for fire alarm. You can combine this circuit with alarm circuit. The output will be the relay which switch on […]

Here is the circuit diagram of simple multitone alarm. This is a low cost circuit which is simple and easy to build. The main components […]

Here is the circuit diagram of active DC voltage doubler which used to increase the DC voltage. This circuit drives relays of 24 and 18VDC […]

This document explains about Basic Theory of DC to AC Inverters. Title: “The ABC’s of DC to AC Inverters”, arranged “by Electronic’s Department of Northen […]

This is an audio bandpass filter circuit which will filtering the audio frequency from 300Hz to 2500Hz.. The lower and higher audio frequency will be […]

This is door knob touch alarm for your home security purpose. The alarm will be activated when someone touch the metal door knob. This circuit […]