DC Motor Speed Controller Circuit Electronic.
How to connect the circuit:
1. Always connect the two motor wires to M+ and M? on the terminal block.
2. Always connect the power supply to the kit (5V-16V DC) to the terminal block V+ and V-
3. You have a choice whether to use the same DC voltage to both the motor and the kit, or to use a different voltage for the motor (eg, it might be a 24V motor) from the 5-16V for the kit. If you use the same voltage (5V ? 16V) for both the kit and the motor then just add the link LK1 as marked on the PCB. Nothing goes into the E+ and E- positions on the terminal block.
If running the motor from its own supply then do not insert the link LK1. Connect the motor external positive and negative supply to the terminal block E+ and E-.