This is a simple and easy built electronic candle circuit which build using TTL (transistor-transistor logic) that are 74LS164, 74LS86 and 74LS00. This circuit will […]

The above simple circuit design can be utilized as an accurate stopwatch to count up to 100 seconds with a determination of 0.01 second or […]

This ding-dong door bell circuit might become the simplest and cost-effective door bell circuit. The circuit is designed based on single IC 8021-2 which manufactured […]

This is the schematic diagram of Infrared (IR) cordless headphone. Maybe it also can be called “wireless headphone”, but it use infrared as sound signal […]

This easy to built circuit produces a warning beep when somebody crosses a secure area in your home or place of work. The transfer, hidden […]

Here the simple traffic light controller which is could be used to educate kids rudiments of traffic light guidelines. The circuit utilizes easily available electronic […]

This is the door bell circuit with flashing LEDs to make the circuit more attractive. IC1 (NE555) is applied right here as being a clock […]

Here the circuit diagram of musical bell with touch switch and timer. This circuit is designed around CMOS IC CD4011 which work as the delay […]