This is the circuit diagram of 2 Watt mini audio amplifier. This circuit is inexpensive, easy and quite simple. This is general audio amplifier which can be used for computer, CD player or other devices which have headphone output.
The circuit was deliberately designed using no ICs and in a rather old-fashioned manner in order to obtain good harmonic distortion behaviour and to avoid hard to find components. The amplifier(s) can be conveniently supplied by a 12V wall plug-in transformer. Closing SW1 a bass-boost is provided but, at the same time, volume control must be increased to compensate for power loss at higher frequencies.
In use, R9 should be carefully adjusted to provide minimal audible signal cross-over distortion consistent with minimal measured quiescent current consumption; a good compromise is to set the quiescent current at about 10-15 mA.
To measure this current, wire a DC current meter temporarily in series with the collector of Q3.
2 Watt Mini Audio Amplifier Components list:
P1 = 10K | Log.Potentiometer |
R1,R2 = 33K | 1/4W Resistors |
R3 = 33R | 1/4W Resistor |
R4 = 15K | 1/4W Resistor |
R5,R6 = 1K | 1/4W Resistors |
R7 = 680R | 1/4W Resistor |
R8 = 120R | 1/2W Resistor |
R9 = 100R | 1/2W Trimmer Cermet |
C1,C2 = 10?F | 63V Electrolytic Capacitors |
C3 = 100?F | 25V Electrolytic Capacitor |
C4,C7 = 470?F | 25V Electrolytic Capacitors |
C5 = 47pF | 63V Ceramic Capacitor |
C6 = 220nF | 63V Polyester Capacitor |
C8 = 1000?F | 25V Electrolytic Capacitor |
D1 = 1N4148 | 75V 150mA Diode |
Q1 = BC560C | 45V 100mA PNP Low noise High gain Transistor |
Q2 = BC337 | 45V 800mA NPN Transistor |
Q3 =TIP31A | 60V 4A NPN Transistor |
Q4 = TIP32A | 60V 4A PNP Transistor |
SW1 | SPST switch |
SPKR | 3-5 Watt Loudspeaker, 8, 4 or 2 Ohm impedance |
2 Watt Mini Audio Amplifier Technical Data:
- Output power: 1.5 Watt RMS @ 8 Ohm, 2.5 Watt @ 4 Ohm, 3.5 Watt @ 2 Ohm (1KHz sinewave)
- Sensitivity: 100mV input for 1.5W output @ 8 Ohm
- Frequency response: 30Hz to 20KHz -1dB
- Total harmonic distortion @ 1KHz & 10KHz: Below 0.2% @ 8 Ohm 1W, below 0.3% @ 4 Ohm 2W, below 0.5% @ 2 Ohm 2W.
can you please explain the working of this 2 Watt Mini Audio Amplifier circuit diagram
Has anyone built this and does it work? Do you need heatsinks for the transistors? Mine get very very hot.
its cool and i wanted a general mobile audio amplifier
Hi there,I have a Minelab S.D.2000 metal detector,runs on 6.V. I would like to have an external speaker instead of headphones. Would this amp do the job. Sincerely,Locky.
The R meaning is just Ohom.
just wondering about the values of resistors 7 8 and 9. they have the label R, is it suposed to be K ?