Categories: Inverter

100W Inverter 12VDC to 220VAC

The following diagram is an inverter circuit which will give you 220V AC 50Hz with maximum power output of 100W. This inverter built using transistors for both the square wave generator module and the amplifier module.

Inverter Diagram:
inverter circuit diagram 100winverter circuit diagram 100w
The Q1 and Q2 used generate square wave. Q5-Q8 amplify the signal and the transformer to increase the AC/square wave current from 12VAC to 220V AC 50HZ.

Inverter PCB layout:

The following image is the bottom/copper PCB layout and to layout for the components placement. You may use universal PCB veroboard to make it easier.

inverter 100w pcb layoutinverter 100w pcb layout

circuit diagram

View Comments

  • kak kalo skema inverter nya pake osilator plip plop dan mospet irfz44 travo 2 ampera jadi berapa watt keluaran nya

  • Could you send me the schematic and the parts needed for building an inverter of 100W power from 12DC to 220V AC...also mention the transformer which is to be used....please mail me...

  • it's very useful but please will you please send me the modified circuit in which one will able to generate from 5v supply to a 220v ac output.

  • this circuit diagrams are very useful for our educational purpose and I am want to see full inverter-circuit. So, please send to me full inverter-circuit of 100W (12V to 220V)

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